
Pregnancy Terms You Will Hear Frequently During Pregnancy!

Pregnancy Terms You Will Hear Frequently During Pregnancy!

Amniotic fluid

The fluid surrounding the baby in the amniotic sac.

Amniotic sac

The membrane surrounding the baby in the uterus. It contains the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid.


Assay performed by taking a small amount of amniotic fluid from the mother. Used in tests of genetic defects and fetal lung development.

Details are here: What is Amniocentesis, When and To Whom?


Causes abnormal development of the baby’s brain and skull. neural tube defect (the condition of the brain not forming due to the absence of bones).

Apgar numbers (score)

To evaluate the baby’s color, heart rate, muscle elasticity, respiration and reflexes, Measurements made at the 1st and 5th minutes.

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Cessation of breathing.

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Dark ring-shaped region around the nipples.

Atonic uterus

Loose, weak uterus.

Bishop score

The cervical scoring method used to determine the success of the birth process.

Points are given for each point, total score is obtained.

< h2> Braxton-Hicks contractions

Irregular uterine contraction during pregnancy. It is also called false or false labor.

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In the period from the 10th week of pregnancy to the birth of the mother’s womb. name given to the baby.

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A device that allows the doctor to listen to the fetal heartbeat after the 12th week.

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Down syndrome (mongolism / trisomy 21)

Mental retardation and mental retardation caused by the presence of three identical 21 chromosomes instead of two Chromosome disorder causing various physical diseases.

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Quadruple screening test

To detect chromosomal problems, four blood components

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Epilepsy and coma in women with pregnancy poisoning.

< h2> Embryo


The organism in the early stages of development.

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Anesthesia method used to reduce or remove the discomfort during the birth process. Anesthetic substance is given with the help of a crater from the appropriate space of the lumbar vertebrae. For this reason, epidural birth is also called “narcotized delivery at the waist.”

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An incision in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening.

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Premature rupture of membranes (EMR)

Rupture of the amniotic sac before birth and the beginning of water flow.

Fallopian tube (Uterine tube)

The tube from the uterine cavity to the ovary area. It contains the egg released from the ovary and simultaneously directs the sperm to the place where fertilization will take place. The fertilized egg falls into the uterus with the help of these tubes.

Fetal fibronectin (fFN)

Test to evaluate the process of premature birth. A certain amount is taken from the vaginal secretion, if fFN is present after the 22nd week, it increases the risk of preterm labor.

Folic acid

A vitamin from group B.

It is measured to evaluate fetal development in the uterus.

Temporary tachypnea (Wet lung)

Temporary breathing problem that causes rapid breathing of newborns.

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Glucose tolerance test (GTT)

Test to find out if there is gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes). Blood is taken from the expectant mother once or blood is taken intermittently after ingestion of a sugary substance.

More here: What is Gestational Sugar, How to Reduce it?

Umbilical cord

Tubular structure that carries fetal blood, oxygen, nutrients and waste to the placenta .

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Group B streptococci

A bacteria found in the genital tract of women.

Sometimes called water in the brain.

Hyperemesis gravidarum

The name given to excessive nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

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< h2> Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

The hormone produced by the placenta at the beginning of pregnancy. This hormone is measured in all pregnancy tests.

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Dual test

Includes ultrasound examination and blood test. It is performed to detect chromosomal anomalies that may occur in the baby during pregnancy such as Down syndrome. If it is risky, triple tests are performed, and if necessary, quadruples tests are performed.

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Kegel exercises

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles .

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Watery yellow fluid, which is the first milk from the breast. It is mostly seen towards the end of pregnancy. It differs from the milk that comes during the breastfeeding period in terms of content.

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Chorionic villus biopsy (sampling) (CVS)

11th pregnancy.

Congenital disease

Congenital disease

The most common Metabolic (Congenital) Diseases


Pain reduction techniques and medication used by the mother during birth.

Lanugo (Quince feather)

Thin and soft hairs on fetal skin starting to grow from the 26th week.

Linea nigra (Pregnancy medallion)

The line between the belly button and the pelvic area with the increase of pigmentation during pregnancy.

Lochia (Lochiya)

Blood, mucosa and tissue coming from the uterus within the first and two weeks after birth.

Rectal presentation

Fetus being in abnormal delivery position. In this position, the hips or legs come before the head of the birth canal.


The baby’s birth weight is less than 4.5 kg.


Infection caused by bacteria in the breast.

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Newborn baby’s first poop.

In cases where there is little blood flow to the baby, the baby cannot hold the poop in the womb and this may interfere with the amniotic fluid. It can cause inflammation and obstruction of the airways.

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Menstrual, menstruation, menstruation.

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Temporary flat, crooked, elongated and pointed skull bones of the baby while passing through the birth canal.


A bloody, mucosal discharge from the vagina before or during delivery. If it comes before the birth, it should be understood that the birth will begin soon.

Non-stress test (NST)

The test in which the movements of the baby felt by the mother are recorded by an expert together with the changes in the fetal heart rate. With this test, the changes caused by the baby’s own movements in the heart rate, in other words the state of the fetus, are detected.

Neural tube

The structure in the embryo, which later turns into brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and spine.


A drug that causes the uterus to contract.

It is also a hormone produced by the pituitary glands.


An opening in the fetal or anterior abdominal wall in a newborn.


Ovulation .

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Pelvic examination

Examination to assess the size of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy and to determine whether the cervix is ​​opening or thinning towards the end of pregnancy.


The area between the anus and the vagina, the crotch.

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< Flat organ in the form of a circle attached to the baby in the womb by the umbilical cord. It provides oxygen / nutrient exchange between mother and baby and disposal of waste materials.

For detailed information: Everything About Placenta in 10 Items

Placenta accreta

Placenta previa

Placenta is in an abnormal position that partially or completely covers the cervix.

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Placenta rupture

The rupture of the placenta from the inner wall of the uterus before labor begins.

Postmatured baby

Prediction baby born 2 weeks or more after birth.


Disease that occurs during pregnancy, caused by high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

Blood pressure increases, edema and reflexes change.

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Premature baby

2 weeks or more from the estimated date of birth baby born after. Birth before the 37th week of pregnancy is considered premature birth.

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Specifies which part of the baby came before the birth canal.

Prolactin (Milk hormone)

Contributes to the development of breast tissue and milk production after birth.

Pudendal anesthesia

To prevent pain during labor Local anesthesia on the vaginal wall.

Uterine atony

Prevention of contractions required to control the blood coming from the placenta due to the lack of muscle elasticity in the uterus after birth.


The hormone produced by the placenta that softens the connective tissues and causes the pelvis to open more during birth.

Cephalopelvic incompatibility

The head of the baby is too big compared to the pelvis of the mother.


The cervix.

Cervical insufficiency

Before the normal pregnancy period ends and contractions begin, the uterus is Opening the mouth.

It can be seen in all vertebrae, but mostly occurs in the lower spine.

Spinal anesthesia

Anesthesia technique in which the drug is injected into the fluid around the backbone.

Spinal Anesthesia in 9 Questions

Artificial insemination (IVF)

After the egg and sperm are combined in an artificial environment outside the body, transferring to the woman’s uterus for development.

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Stress test

A test performed by giving mild pains to the uterus and checking fetal heart rate.


Examination of abnormal fetal development.

TORCH test

A test group conducted before pregnancy to detect germs that cause disability to the baby during pregnancy. Multiple infections are investigated at the same time.

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A method of dividing pregnancy into 3 equal periods, each lasting 13 weeks.

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Transverse hospitalization (Side lying)

The baby is in the womb before birth. being in a laterally lying position.

It is done when the double test is risky.

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A white, slippery, oily substance that covers the skin of the fetus.


The baby’s head comes first.


Part of the mucous membrane. The most important part that carries nutrients to the placenta and fetus.

Round ligament pain

Pain caused by stretching of the ligaments on both sides of the uterus during pregnancy.

References: Healthy Pregnancy Guide- Mayo Clinic, Week by Week Your Pregnancy-Dr. Glade B. Curtis / udith Schuler, Diary of the Beans-Özlem Dilber / Op. Dr. Selçuk Somer



Written by Lady Byron


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